Ninite is Awesome

If you are anything like me, you reinstall your operating system pretty often. Even if that isn’t you, don’t you hate when you are installing something but have to acknowledge 4 pop-ups and make sure you didn’t install a toolbar or some other poptentially unwanted software? Then check out Ninite!

Ninite is like having an SCCM Server at home. Pick what software you want to install or update; they generate a single installer for you to run.; then it just works! No pop-ups, toolbars, or anything unusual. Over the years this tool has saved me hours for sure. In the future I intend to sign-up for Ninite Pro.

Checkout Ninite’s website to see all the software they support. However below is a list of my favorite options for every new install.

  • Firefox - My go to web browser.
  • qBittorrent - Seeding my favorite Linux ISOs.
  • WinRAR - My favorite unzipping tool. I have a paid copy!
  • Discord - Chat platform that I use to ingest webhooks from alerting platforms.
  • Steam - Games are awesome. :)
  • VLC Media Player - Media player with significantly more support than the Windows Media Player.
  • x64 Java (AdoptOpenJDK) JRE 21 - I write basic code in Java, so I need to install this.
  • Paint.NET - GIMP but lighter and easier.
  • Python x64 3 - I write code in Python3 on Windows, so I need to install this.
  • Visual Studio Code - My favorite Code Editor.
  • Malwarebytes - I have Premium license keys.


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