Serving Up WebP instead of PNG

I’m not a fan of the modern internet. At this point, its flooded with AI content and recipe sites covered in Google Ads. :/. My problem isn’t that folks are trying to monitize their platform but the bloat. I hope you don’t think my website is just a bunch of bloat. Anyways, I’ve started monitoring my website with the Syntheic Monitoring tool in NewRelic. Between NewRelic and a PageSpeed Insight report; I figured I should check out this modern file format. The .webp file format is actually really cool. I was able to shrink my website home page from 1.8 MB down to only 295 KB. Thats a 1,505 KB redunction in size. I think 610% smaller?


Changing My Workflow

Before the “Great WEBP-ing” I wasn’t just uploading raw PNG files into my Bucket storage. Instead I was using the Windows GUI to resize an image into a smaller format. Sometimes JPG and PNG other times. This was already a tedious process.

So now I am taking the images, running them through ./cwebp and then uploading them. I feel like this has been an improvement because I can do this in a command line. In the future that means I should be able to automate the process with some basic Python scripting.




Wikipedia - WebP - Wikipedia - Raster Graphics


Javascript Cat!

how-to add oneko.js to the minimal-mistakes jekyll template.

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Ditching WordPress

Method of Procedure for migrating from WordPress to plain HTML.

Mom Said Redefine Success

In High School I had one dream that stands out. Own a Porsche by the time I was 26. Looking back, I have no idea where this dream came from; because I was ra...

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