Javascript Cat!

While skimming about the HTML Hobbiest Webring I came across a website where this little cat would follow my mouse cursor. I did some quick F12 Developer Tools snooping and found the source to be from this GitHub repo, adryd325/oneko.js .

Implement Process

I’ll write a more detailed blog post in the future, but for now, just keep in mind I build my website using JekyllRB and the Minimal Mistakes template.

First I downloaded the oneko.js and the oneko.gif files. I put the GIF into my /assets/img/ directory and the Javascript file into the /assets/js/ directory. Then I opened the script.html file located at /includes/script.html and insert the <script src="/assets/js/oneko.js"></script> at the top of the file.

Now with my changes commited and the site build process re-ran on the webserver, we have a cursor following kitty cat! It doesn’t have a name yet. Feel free to email me ideas!


Javascript Cat!

how-to add oneko.js to the minimal-mistakes jekyll template.

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