Weekend with the Bois - June 2021 Video

In this video the Boi’s and I spent a weekend in the beautiful Colorado mountains. We started our adventure at the end of Centennial (KAPA) runway 35R watching jets land in the rain. We made our way south down I-25 in an absolute down pour. Grabbed some BBQ near the base of Pikes Peak then we made our way up into the backside of Breckenridge via Hoosier Pass.

Once stopped for the day in Breckenridge we walked down to the lake to skip some stones! You will also see some off-trail moments that occurred somewhere off of Guanella Pass Rd.


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In High School I had one dream that stands out. Own a Porsche by the time I was 26. Looking back, I have no idea where this dream came from; because I was ra...

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